Wisdom-Trek / Creating a Legacy
Interview on the Mindfulness Mode Podcast
Bruce Langford Interview with Guthrie Chamberlain

Show Notes:
Mindfulness Mode by Bruce Langford – 119 Your Legacy Will Affect Your World and Eternity
H Guthrie Chamberlain III helps you build your living legacy. He and his wife, Paula are specialists in entrepreneurship with exceptional wisdom and insight that enable their clients to successfully create and build their legacies. Their company Venture Consulting Group, Inc. helps businesses maximize profitability and cash flow with efficiency. Guthrie is also a strong, devoted Christian who teaches and shares through his podcast, Wisdom-Trek.
Contact Info
- Company: Venture Consulting Group, Inc.
- Website: www.wisdom-trek.com
- Podcast: Wisdom-Trek
Most Influential Person
- My dad
Effect on Emotions
- It allows me to step back and relax when, otherwise, I might be uptight. It also allows me to be able to look at life from a larger perspective. It helps me see what’s most important in life and see through what struggles I might be going through on a particular moment on a particular day.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing is a great thing to do when you are uptight or tense about something. Just step back, breath deeply, meditate a little bit, close your eyes and pause, just to give yourself a chance to reflect and refocus on what’s really important.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Psalms found in The Bible
- App: YouVersion Bible
Advice for Newbie
Just realize that life is a marathon, that we don’t have to accomplish everything we need to get done today, to look at life from a larger perspective and to step back at times to reflect, relax, keep the bigger picture in mind, so that each day, we can move forward, but not at a hectic pace where all we’re doing is rushing from one thing to another without taking time to be mindful and relax and enjoy life.