Wisdom-Trek / Creating a Legacy
Welcome to Day 476 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.
This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom
Don’t Wear Yourself Out Trying to Get Rich – Proverbs 23:1-16
Thank you for joining us for our 5 days per week wisdom and legacy building podcast. This is Day 476 of our trek, and today is Wisdom Wednesday. Every Wednesday along life’s trails we dig for the nuggets of wisdom that are found within the book of Proverbs. Today we will explore the 1st half of chapter 23.
We are broadcasting from our studio at The Big House in Marietta, Ohio. As Thanksgiving approaches during the month of November, it is a time to reflect on all the blessings we have in life. We do have much to be thankful for.
While I think it is important that we have a day set aside in the US and many other countries focusing on being thankful, it should be part of our everyday life. If this is currently not a habit of yours, I encourage you to set a time aside each morning when you wake and again before you sleep to pause and reflect with gratitude on all the blessings that you have in your life. Even when life is difficult, and it is for all of us at times, there are still many things which we can be thankful for.
With a heart of gratitude, let us break camp for today and head out on our trek to explore the nuggets of wisdom which are found in the first half of Proverbs 23. We are currently in the third section of Proverbs, which covers 30 sayings of the wise. We explored five sayings last week, and today we will continue with eight more. One of those saying is:
Don’t Wear Yourself Out Trying To Get Rich.
Let’s start our trek with verse 1.
1 While dining with a ruler,
pay attention to what is put before you.
2 If you are a big eater,
put a knife to your throat;
3 don’t desire all the delicacies,
for he might be trying to trick you.
While we may not have a lot of opportunities to dine with people who are in positions of authority, this applies to any formal social gathering where you may be a guest. If you enjoy eating, as many people do, be very careful with how and what you are eating. Don’t gorge yourself, or come off as gluttonous. Even if the food seems irresistible, show constraint and eat in moderation. This may be a test to see how you react to these more formal situations.
4 Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich.
Be wise enough to know when to quit.
5 In the blink of an eye wealth disappears,
for it will sprout wings
and fly away like an eagle.
This is one of those passages that hits a bit too close to home for me. I enjoy the work that I do and am driven to accomplishing as much as I can and then some. This does not give me permission to ignore the principles that are clearly presented in these verses. We all need to show restraint in our pursuit of wealth.
If you are driven to obtain riches, this is never an excuse to abuse yourself physically, emotionally, or spiritually to obtain wealth. Wealth is so fleeting. If you are persistent, you can obtain wealth, but realize that it is so easily lost, sometimes by situations completely out of your control. We all need to be wise enough to take time for the most important aspects of life, which is not riches but relationships.
6 Don’t eat with people who are stingy;
don’t desire their delicacies.
7 They are always thinking about how much it costs.
“Eat and drink,” they say, but they don’t mean it.
8 You will throw up what little you’ve eaten,
and your compliments will be wasted.
Who we invest our time with is important. The lesson in this passage refers to eating with someone that does not really have a giving heart. A person may invite you to a dinner to be socially polite or to look good in the eyes of others. This is the type of person who really does not have the heart for hospitality because they consider it a cost instead of an investment in a relationship.
If you find yourself in this situation, it may be best to turn down the invitation if you know in advance. If you do not realize it in advance, once you are in the situation, you can be kind and polite and restrain yourself from eating too much. It would be better to eat less than to risk becoming ill from eating too much. The stingy person will just think of the money he or she wasted on you, and it will impact what friendship you may have established.
9 Don’t waste your breath on fools,
for they will despise the wisest advice.
This verse also refers to relationship issues. Although we should be kind to everyone, there are some people that think they are wise when they are actually fools. These people do not desire to learn or gain wisdom. It is better to save your instructions for those who are willing and able to accept it.
10 Don’t cheat your neighbor by moving the ancient boundary markers;
don’t take the land of defenseless orphans.
11 For their Redeemer is strong;
he himself will bring their charges against you.
This is similar to a verse from last week. We are to have the integrity to honor agreements set up by others, which were passed on to us. We should also never take advantage of those who are unable to defend themselves. If we make a practice of taking advantage of others to advance ourselves, then we will suffer the consequences of our actions. God will redeem them for the injustices that are committed against them.
12 Commit yourself to instruction;
listen carefully to words of knowledge.
Mentioned throughout the book of Proverbs is the need to seek instruction and wisdom. We are to seek for it with more fervor than we would seek for gold or silver. How much do you desire to obtain instruction and knowledge?
13 Don’t fail to discipline your children.
The rod of punishment won’t kill them.
14 Physical discipline
may well save them from death.
These verses in no way condone unjust or abusive punishment for children, but all children need to be disciplined throughout the years that you are responsible for them. Each child is uniquely different and so should the discipline that is administered to them be. Some will learn through words while others may need more firm discipline. Adults also need guidelines and laws to follow. Base all discipline on God’s Word. Realize that to raise disciples for Christ discipline is required.
15 My child, if your heart is wise,
my own heart will rejoice!
16 Everything in me will celebrate
when you speak what is right.
Tied to the previous verses, Solomon refers to the readers of this passage as his children, which includes us. As you disciple your children and they gain wisdom, your heart will rejoice. As they grow into mature, responsible adults, you can celebrate with them as they make wise choices for life. Remember, you are not raising children, you are molding them into responsible adults.
Today we explored eight wise sayings, which we can learn much from. Next Wisdom Wednesday we will continue on this trail of the Sayings of the Wise. These proverbs continue to provide us with more wisdom, insight, and understanding. Regardless of where you are in your faith walk, if you follow the precepts in Proverbs, your life will be rich and satisfying. Take them and plant them in your heart so that you will reap a harvest of wisdom.
Tomorrow we will hike another short trail of Wisdom Unplugged where we will discover an inspirational wisdom quote. So encourage your friends and family to join us, and then come along with us tomorrow for another day of our Wisdom-Trek, Creating a Legacy.
That will finish our trek for today. As you enjoy these daily doses of wisdom, we ask you to help us grow Wisdom-Trek by sharing with your family and friends through email, Facebook, Twitter, or in person when you meet with them and invite them to come along with us each day. If you would like to listen to any of the past daily treks, they are available at Wisdom-Trek.com. Don’t forget to subscribe to Wisdom-Trek so each trek will be downloaded to you automatically.
Thank you for allowing me to be your guide, mentor, and most of all your friend as I serve you through the Wisdom-Trek podcast and journal.
As we take this trek of life together, let us always:
- Live Abundantly (Fully)
- Love Unconditionally
- Listen Intentionally
- Learn Continuously
- Lend to others Generously
- Lead with Integrity
- Leave a Living Legacy Each Day
This is Guthrie Chamberlain reminding you to Keep Moving Forward, Enjoy Your Journey, and Create a Great Day Every Day! See you tomorrow!
i am so glad to find this site. i hope to learn a lot from here.